YBØDX (DONNY IMAM PRIAMBODO) is an amateur radio activist since 1991.
It started with the callsign YD3VRO
in 1991, when he was still in junior high school, and upgraded to the next level of YC3VRO in 1992.
Electronics and Radio Frequency are his hobbies. Graduated in Bachelor of Electrical Engineering in 1997, he became a Lecturer in Electronic and Digital Engineering until 1999.
He went to Bandung, West Java, become entrepreneur in the field of cellular telecommunications, and in 2006 moved to Central Java, changing the callsign YC2DP.
In 2009 his callsign level was upgrade to YB2DP Extra Clasd, and in March 2021 he moved to domicile in Jakarta and renewed his callsign to YBØDX.
In addition to having good communication with regulators (government) and he was member of Indonesia House of Representative (DPRRI) on the periode 2014-2019, his hobby in electronics has made YBØDX actively experiment on making antennas, and other things related to radio amateurs. He also often made DX communication both Phone and Digital modes, DXCC has also been reached by YBØDX in a short time.
YBØDX aspires to participate in building Indonesian amateur radio organizations, directly or indirectly, to become a world-class amateur radio organization and an organization that serves its members to facilitate their hobbies to be advance class level.